SISCO identifies errors and excessive charges by auditing 100% of bills over $15,000 for medical necessity, billing accuracy, and reasonableness. Check out this blog to see how SISCO identified an excessive charge for migraine medication that saved their client over $60,000 dollars.
SISCO received a medical claim for pre-approved injections as treatment for migraines. The service provider was in-network and the charges were properly discounted. However, because the claim exceeded the set threshold for additional review, SISCO’s dedicated Claim Specialist referred the case to the Strategic Bill Review unit for a desk audit.
Download this case study to learn more about how SISCO saved the client a total of $60,458!
Medical bill review is at the heart of reducing the cost of claims. SISCO offers a strategic bill review process that focuses on the amount you are asked to pay, not the discount.
For more information about SISCO’s strategic bill review, please contact your SISCO Representative, or click here.